Tuesday, January 30, 2018

War in the Empire and Nehekhara...

Hello all,

 It's been quite a while since I've done a blog, but I've wanted to do one recently, ever since I started playing Warhammer Fantasy. The content of this blog will consist of Battle Reports (which will be told from more of a narrative viewpoint) and painting and scenery tutorials. I probably will not have a regular schedule for posting, because it is difficult to do on an iPad and I don't have as much access to a computer. However, I will try to post at least weekly.

Here are some photos of the armies I have assembled so far- only about 400 points worth, but more will be coming in the near future:

As you can see, I have three armies, Empire (Talabheim), Skaven (A clan I invented- Clan Blytekrieg), and Tomb Kings (Bhagar).

More to come soon!